Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thank you so much jinyang for helping out our council video! like seriously without your help, the video would not have been possible. we really don't know how to repay you!the only way is to ACKNOWLEDGE you i guess.=) hahaha! continue to pursue your passion for video-editing ya? you are damn imba! and ur willingness to volunteer your time for others will definitely not be forgotten=))
Oh, and your passion for mugging too!=) that day joelyn and i were niao-ing jinyang abt his mugging. the conver went something like this:
(part one) jy:please lah, im not smart lah, i still have alot of room for improvement.
yy:'if u have room for improvement,we have like the whole world to improve on.

(part two) jy:'im not smart lah seriously, last time in high school i always get last in class."
joelyn:' JINYANG, the only time you will get last in class, is if you are the ONLY one in class.
Haha, damn funny.=) Oh and jinyang please dont be so careless next time. no one ever loses their entire backpack like that! without even realizing it><. i hope u find it back!

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